Saturday 28 February 2015

Harvesting The Last Batch

Just harvested the last batch of grapes yesterday on our TARLAC GRAPES some friends were lucky to have tasted them kahit konti lang , to those unlucky one's like  me wag na po kayo magtampo next time na lang po tayo , Im sure medyo madami dami na yung next fruit. Grapes in the Philippines bear fruits three times in a year. unlike in the cold countries where they only bear fruit once a year. Our fruited vines will now rest for a while to recover. Come late March we will be pruning them (6 Vines) to induced them to bear more fruits for the next season. (Aug-Sept)

The newly planted young vines so far are doing good on their near 4th month , so by June or july we are expecting to prune this new batches for December harvest. Just bear with us since we are also on experimenting stage.

We will try to plant an addional 50 Vines coming March-April  to complete the 100 vines targeted for Tarlac experimental Vinyard this year. (if the schedule is correct thi vine will fruit by nove or dec , in concert with the first fruited six vines so next year we will have more harvest.

I will be targeting a 500 Vine vineyard for our TTARLAC FARM , so please continue following our blog if you wish to learn how to plant grapes or just enjoying seeing a vineyard grow and bear fruit

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